It's very rare to find a natural woman nowadays. When I say natural I mean stripped back. Completely natural, kinky hair, no make up, her own body parts....you know....just her. So imagine my surprise when I saw a completely natural beauty on the train this morning.
To be honest I don't know why I was so surprised. It seems to be becoming a lot more common for black women to keep their natural hair and by this I mean the way it was when they were born. Personally, I think this is a good look. Why are we as black women so scared to step out of our front door without a wig or weave in our hair?
I'm not going to pretend, I myself have been a slave to the old hair straighteners. After washing my hair it takes a couple of days before it's back to its natural state and straightening my hair was just a quicker and easier way to manage it but boy has my hair suffered. I have good hair. Long, light, wavy, soft, so why am I trying to ruin it by burning it?
I believe that comments made by black men have resulted in the black womans obsession with wearing a weave or relaxing their hair. The constant negative talk about our hair; hair their mothers, sisters, grandmothers, cousins have. I don't understand how you can hate something that is a part of you. When you have a child, is that child not going to have "nappy" hair? Will you be telling that child, who I'm sure you will say is beautiful regardless, to straighten their hair or wear a weave? Somehow I don't think so.
Saying this, many men are now claiming they don't like weaves. However, if a girl approached them outside with her natural hair, I'm pretty sure most of them would not be interested.
It's such a shame that we've allowed people and not just our own people, to condition us in to thinking our natural hair isn't beautiful. The media is constantly bombarding us with images of what beauty looks like. We shouldn't be afraid to be who we are and neither should we be ashamed of what we have been blessed with.
To all those confident enough to rock their natural, beautiful, sexy hair....I salute you. Keep on keeping it real ladies and keep on keeping it natural. I know I will be.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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