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The Acai Berry: Part 1

So there's been a lot of talk in the press recently about the Acai Berry; a super food which grows in South America and is the new weight loss miracle sweeping the world.  Apparently the Acai Berry is packed with antioxidants and high in fibre, reducing your appetite and can also do the following:

1. Increase your metabolic rate helping you to lose weight
2. Slow down the ageing process and help cell recovery
3. Increase energy levels and fight fatigue
4. Give you clear skin and a glowing complexion.

With all of the above combined, the Acai Berry apparently makes the process of losing weight faster and easier without any side effects.

Now I'm not going to lie, I was totally impressed after reading about this super food and the 5 star reviews on it.  I'm trying to eat healthier and lose a little weight and right here in front of me is a natural product I can use that will help me feel good, shed those extra pounds and look great.  So I did my research.

The best form of Acai Berry to buy is the freeze dried variety.  These are 100% Acai and not a watered down version (which is what they sell in Holland & Barrett).  Of course you have to be wary of scams.  Some sites will sell Acai for ridiculously low or high prices.  It shouldn't cost you more than £25 or less than £10.  Also know what it is you want to buy.  Some sites are offering a colon cleanse with the Acai Berry.  The Acai Berry itself is a cleanser so depending on how much you want to clean out your system, you may not need the colon cleanser.

I might also point out that many who have had success taking this product, advise that for successful weight loss, you need to eat healthy and exercise regularly.  This came as no surprise to me. If you are serious about losing weight you have to engage fully in some sort of programme.  You can't just sit around and expect the weight to drop off.  Yes they describe Acai as a miracle weight loss cure but you still have to work to achieve that weight loss.  You have to be motivated about it, mind as well as body.

I've ordered myself some of these miracle capsules and I'm hoping that they are as good as they've been hyped up to be.  Of course I fully intend to document my progress right here.  So if you want the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth on the Acai Berry miracle diet, look no further.



  1. yeah i went to a health show, where they were making smoothies with this berry, it actually taste good. I'm totaly up for the clear skin and slowingh down the aging process.

    However dont take this personal, but just in general i think people focus too much on loosing weight. people loose weight to get in to a dress, for weddings and to feel and look good. people should focus on being healthy and a side effect of living a healthy lifestyle is being at a healthy weight. Thus loosing or gaining weight which ever one is healthier for you. So basically if we focus on what our poo looks like instead of what the scales say im sure were heading in the right direction lol :)

  2. Thanks for your comment Mars. I totally agree with you. It's all about being healthy. Personally, I have to lose a little weight and stay at that weight for health reasons. I'm not really bothered about fitting in to a particular item of clothing. I've never been a really slim girl (maybe back in the day before puberty I was when I didn't use to eat anything lol)but I've accepted that my body will never be like that. I just need to shed a couple of pounds because my doctor has told me to and trust me, if she wants to tell me off, she will lol.

    Oh and yes, it's very important to have healthy poos. Gillian McKeith knows. She may not be able to survive in the celebrity jungle but she sure knows how to handle her sh*t :-D lol.

  3. Healthy poos? Moving on

    It definately sounds like a miracle product. BUT. I want to put ON weight. So if I take it for its other benefits but dont excercise would it work for my skin, energy, complexion etc but not the weight??? hmmm

    It would be nice if you could keep us updated on how its working for you x

  4. 'm not sure to be honest Ree. They advertise this thing as a weight loss miracle so not sure how it would work in reverse. If you wanted to take it for the other reasons though it might work. Just make sure you eat loads to put weight on lol :) xx


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