There's been a lot of talk in the press recently about when women should be thinking about having children. Medical experts are advising that women should think about having children between the ages of 20 and 35 but does having children over 35 really have an impact on the mother and do you agree with girls having children so young?
According to research women who decide to have children over the age of 35 are likely to find it harder to conceive. They are also subjecting themselves and their baby to some of the following risks: genetic disorders, stillbirths, miscarriages, diabetes, high blood pressure and more. Each year after age 35 the mother's risks for each of these increases even more.
I know a couple of women who have had children over the age of 35 and even over the age of 40 and I have to say they have been fine and their children also have been unaffected but there's also the other flip of the coin. Having children at 20. I've heard so many adults talking about young mothers saying "they're so young, they don't know" but I really don't think age plays a part in whether or not you're a good mother.
I know numerous girls who had children at the age of 20 and even younger and they are excellent mothers. Some women/girls change when they have a child. They mature and become more responsible. It's almost like they are a different person. Who is anyone to say "she's too young to know how to be a mother"? I know adults over the age of 30 who don't know what it means to be a mother or a father for that matter (men ain't getting away that easily here), so age isn't really a factor in that sense.
I would say the best time to have a baby is when you feel you're ready to take on that responsibility. A baby relies on you. I'm not a mother so I'm probably not the best person to say this but I am nearly 35 (ok I'm 7 years away but still, time flies boy). All I know is that when the time comes I will be ready and that I put my trust in God. Doctors are always changing their minds about what's good for us and what's not. I would just say if you are over the age of 35 and wanting to conceive, read and get as much advice as you can. I've got a lot of respect for all the mothers out there who are raising or have raised their children well. Lord knows it's the hardest job in the world and that's at any age!!
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According to research women who decide to have children over the age of 35 are likely to find it harder to conceive. They are also subjecting themselves and their baby to some of the following risks: genetic disorders, stillbirths, miscarriages, diabetes, high blood pressure and more. Each year after age 35 the mother's risks for each of these increases even more.

I know numerous girls who had children at the age of 20 and even younger and they are excellent mothers. Some women/girls change when they have a child. They mature and become more responsible. It's almost like they are a different person. Who is anyone to say "she's too young to know how to be a mother"? I know adults over the age of 30 who don't know what it means to be a mother or a father for that matter (men ain't getting away that easily here), so age isn't really a factor in that sense.
I would say the best time to have a baby is when you feel you're ready to take on that responsibility. A baby relies on you. I'm not a mother so I'm probably not the best person to say this but I am nearly 35 (ok I'm 7 years away but still, time flies boy). All I know is that when the time comes I will be ready and that I put my trust in God. Doctors are always changing their minds about what's good for us and what's not. I would just say if you are over the age of 35 and wanting to conceive, read and get as much advice as you can. I've got a lot of respect for all the mothers out there who are raising or have raised their children well. Lord knows it's the hardest job in the world and that's at any age!!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
I couldnt agree with you more! Being a mother at any age is difficult and doctors are always saying different things each year. It should be about the individual. Also, a mother can be fit and hopping around but really careless and the older mother might have to be extra cautious about her pregnancy and child but be the loveliest, adoring mother ever because of it?
ReplyDeleteGood you didn't forget the men lol x
Men don't get left out here Ree lol. It's funny people always want to criticise women and mothers. I never really hear anything about fathers. Might have to blog about that at some point. It's a 2 way thing; we are as equal as the teeth on a comb.